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Accessing the TUT Library and Information Services eBooks

Understanding and accessing eBooks

How to access eBooks in general




The TUT LIS is proud to state that we currently offer access to about half a million eBooks to our users from a variety of publishers and aggregators in all our current subject areas.  On this page we will explore some of these platforms and certain types of resources. 



Most of the eBooks accessible via the catalogue, was acquired on Pick and Choose Models from various publishers and aggregators.  The links from the catalogue will take you to the platform it was acquired from.  Although the catalogue host both print and electronic books, the indication that a book is electronically available, will look like this, following the links to the full text:



On the following platforms, some selective individual titles has been acquired:

  • EbscoHost
  • Wiley
  • Cambridge University Press
  • EbscoHost
  • ProQuest eBook Central
  • Taylor & Francis

These titles are searchable and accessible via the TUT LIS Catalogue or the TUT LIS Discovery Services.  The records will have a direct link to the full text.



eBooks from the publisher websites usually is in pdf format with unlimited and DRM free access.  Some of the publishers we currently have deals with are, but not limited to:



From the ScienceDirect platform we currently have access to around 50,000 titles.  These include some reference works, monographs and some textbooks.  Subject areas are Multi-Disciplinary although Elsevier mainly focus on Science, Technology and Medicine. 

Please follow the following link to the LibGuide on "How to access TUT's Electronic Resources"


Encyclopedia of Life Science

This encyclopedia provide a collection of subject specific articles, that form this major reference work.   

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Emerald eBooks are also only available on subject annual collections.  The TUT LIS has access to their older collections.  Those books are available on an unlimited basis, DRM free.  Also available in HTML and pdf formats.  

Please follow the following link to the LibGuide on "How to access TUT's Electronic Resources"



The TUT LIS currently subscribe to three McGraw-Hill packages, namely: 

  • AccessEngineering
  • AccessPharmacy
  • AccessScience

The AccessEngineering and AccessPharmacy products hosts mostly textbooks and reference works, while AccessScience is one big Encyclopedia in Science, specifically designed for your academic institution.  These books are in HTML and pdf format.

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Primal Pictures

Primal Pictures are a collection of Anatomy handbooks, videos and 3D interactive models.

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Springer only provide access to their books in annual collection acquisitions, which are quite expensive.  TUT therefore has to be very careful selecting subject collections.  The books acquired from Springer have unlimited access rights and are DRM free.  These books are available in HTML and pdf formats.  The TUT LIS therefore acquired the following subject collections:

  • Computer Science: Published in 2017 and 2018
  • Engineering:  Published in 2017 and 2018
  • Biomedical & Life Sciences: Published in 2017 and 2018

Please follow the following link to the LibGuide on "How to access TUT's Electronic Resources"



eBooks on Aggregator platforms are normally only available in HTML format and if downloadable, it usually comes with downloading of additional software.  It might come with unlimited access but is normally not DRM free.  The TUT LIS has several aggregator eBook Collections available and here are some of them, but not limited to:


Credo Reference Online

This is a collection of general and subject specific reference works.  Various subject areas are covered.  The works is searchable and available in HTML format.  

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EbscoHost Academic eBook Collection

This collection is currently our biggest ebook collection, providing access to over 300,000 ebooks in various subject areas.  These books are available on an unlimited basis, but is DRM limited.  The books are available in HTML format, on an unlimited basis but for downloading purposes, you need to register an account with Adobe Acrobat and download the Adobe Digital Editions.  Once downloaded, the books will be accessible for two weeks and if further study is required the books has to be downloaded again.


EbscoHost e-books can be opened in normal HTML format without downloading the book, but should you wish to download portions depending on what is permitted, to access the book off-line, herewith a link to a video tutorial on: "How-to-download an EbscoHost e-book".


Please follow the following link to the LibGuide on "How to access TUT's Electronic Resources"



Knovel is also a product from Elsevier but is an aggregator that hosts various publishers material on the platform and house around 10,000 ebook titles.  The database was developed for Engineers but also provide information for Hospitality, ICT and even Arts.  The product hosts reference works, monographs and a lot of textbooks.  Books are in HTML and pdf format. 

Please follow the following link to the LibGuide on "How to access TUT's Electronic Resources"


Sage Research Methods Online

This is a collection on ebooks on Research Methods and related works.

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