Here follows a list with details concerning all Transformation Open Access Publisher Agreements the TUT LIS committed to:
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a non-profit society publisher, plans to achieve full open access within five years. At “full flip,” all future research articles will be published OA; and the option for an institution to have a “read only” license will no longer exist. Authors from institutions participating in ACM OPEN will be able to pay to publish with ACM free of charge.
Main features of the offer:
Cambridge University Press (CUP) is part of the University of Cambridge. As the world’s oldest publishing house their stated mission is to “unlock people’s potential with the best learning and research solutions.” Cambridge University Press journals are recognised globally for their quality and scope.
The Cambridge University Press has made the decision to transform into an “Open Research” publisher. Their vision is encapsulated in the following words from their Academic Director:
We want to make sure that in moving to OA we don’t exclude authors who are not part of institutions with Pay to Publish deals, especially authors in the Global South who don’t have funds to pay APCs: in this era of inclusivity it is vital we don’t create new barriers. This may well mean very different forms of publishing partnership with these institutions and their funders.
They are intensifying their efforts and therefore the SANLiC deal for the next three years (2021-2023) is a Read & Publish deal.
Cambridge’s 2021 Full Journals Collection has expanded to 403 titles, of which 330 are hybrid and 40 are gold OA. For this new agreement with SANLiC, subscribing institutions will not only receive access to all CUP journals included in the Full Collection, but also benefit from unlimited OA publishing for affiliated corresponding authors in CUP’s hybrid and fully open access journals over the three-year period (2021-2023).
Emerald Publishing manages a portfolio of nearly 300 scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, some e-books and 1,500 teaching cases. Journals are mostly accredited and indexed in both Web of Science and Scopus. The Emerald eJournals Premier database is a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary journal database featuring the latest peer-reviewed, international research in both established and emerging areas of interest.
The Emerald/SANLiC agreement for 2022-2024 is a Read & Publish transformational open access agreement that provides read access to the latest version of your subscriptions as well as permitting eligible corresponding authors to publish a capped number of articles as open access at no extra charge in the gold and subscribed hybrid journals to which you subscribe.
The caps (for the consortium as a whole) on the number of articles that can be published at no extra charge for the years of the agreement are:
This means that the above numbers will be applicable to all academic and research institutions in South Africa. This works on a first-come-first-served basis; Emerald will be able to track the number of articles published and will keep the SANLiC office informed.
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is a not-for-profit professional organisation for the advancement of the chemical sciences. Their activities span education, conferences, science policy and the promotion of the chemistry to the public.
The RSC publishers 46 international, peer-reviewed journals. The journals span over the following subject areas:
The General Chemistry Collection was discontinued in 2018. RSC are continuing to offer discounts on their RSC Gold Package.
The offer to SANLiC members:
Founded in 1965, SAGE is an independent academic and professional publisher of journals, books and electronic media for academic, educational and professional markets spanning a wide range of subjects.
The SAGE/SANLiC agreement for 2022-2024 is for a Read & Publish transitional open access agreement that provides access to the SAGE Premier journals collection of over 1,100 titles and will also permit eligible corresponding authors to publish an uncapped number of articles as open access in the offered hybrid titles listed in the SAGE-SANLiC agreement.
Gold open access titles: eligible corresponding authors will receive a discount of 20% on SAGE’s wholly gold open access portfolio of titles. There are a small number of exclusions where SAGE is contractually prevented from offering this discount. A list of excluded journals is available from the publisher.
The SAGE Premier journals collection provides:
For the Author
Main Subject Areas
The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) is a global partnership between libraries, national funding agencies and research institutions from 47 countries, as well as three intergovernmental organisations. SCOAP3 converts subscription journals in the field of high-energy physics (particle physics) to open access through the redirection of subscription funds.
SANLiC acts as the South African representative for SCOAP3 and as such is responsible for collecting the funds needed to finance South Africa’s share of the cost of this form of open access publishing.
The following journals are part of SCOAP3:
The SCOAP3 repository may be found here:
This is a read and publish agreement offers:
Read access to all titles in the Wiley Database Model. The Database Model comprises all subscription-based journal titles published on Wiley Online Library (or any platform designated by Wiley) including titles previously excluded from collections, transfer titles and newly launched journals. The agreement will also provide access to all Hindawi journals from 2022.
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
904 | 1139 | 1474 | 1991 |
2023 - 2025
Supporting Material
Main subject areas