LibKey is a service, developed by ThirdIron, the TUT Library and Information (LIS) Services subscribe to. The service provides instant access to millions of articles subscribed to through various services.
The LibKey suite includes the following services are:
- LibKey Nomad
- LibKey Link
- LibKey.io
- LibKey Browzine
A video overview of the LibKey services

LibKey Nomad: Browser Extension
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that works on publishers platforms and scholarly search engines. The signposts indicate full text availability and connects to library content from open web searching – while triggering the library authentication process where needed.
The tab "LibKey Browser Extension" will provide more detail on how to download the LibKey Nomad browser extension.
From searching on the open web to prescribed content in one click
- LibKey Nomad is active at the sites researchers visit, including publisher platforms and Internet search engines such as, Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, Pubmed, Google Scholar and many more
- The browsed combines information about e-journal holdings, authentication and article linking to deliver one-click access to PDF and HTML articles
- Includes unpaywall data to deliver Open Access versions when subscribed options are not available
- Integrated with your link resolver to provide users with access options when full text may not be available

Fast and precise linking
- Identification of available content based on library entitlements, not general website domain
- Proven, high performance LibKey technology delivers linking options in milliseconds

Designed for libraries with researcher privacy in mind
- The branded icon lets users know access is subscribed through the TUT Library and Information Services
- No user account needed
- No caching of user credentials
- Compatible with VPN and two-factor authentication systems
- No selling or sharing of data with other services

A video overview of the LibKey Nomad browser extension

LibKey Link
LibKey Link provides one link to the best available full text target from any OpenURL enabled source e.g. Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar and many others.
Minimize link resolver pitfalls
- No confusing menus to navigate
- No waiting for different webpages to load
- No hunting for the PDF on the article page
- Precise, identifier-based linking

Use with all your databases
- Combines information about e-journal holdings, authentication and article links to deliver one-click access to PDFs
- Links to full text from publisher and aggregator sources
- Enriched with Unpaywall data to deliver fast access with Open Access articles

A video overview of the LibKey Link service

LibKey.io is a DOI/PMID locator that can be used to locate and link scientific articles with a DOI or a PMID directly.
Go from DOI or PMID to article in one-click
- Researchers are looking for articles by DOI and PMID now more than ever because of sites like Sci-Hub
- Single search box meets user expectations
- Proven, high-performance LibKey technology returns results in milliseconds

Keep the library in the researcher workflow
- Information about e-journal holdings, authentication and article linking is combined to create one-click access to PDF and HTML articles
- Includes Unpaywall data to deliver Open Access articles when subscribed options are not available
- Prominent library branding on libkey.io page

BrowZine is a service rendered to the TUT LIS that is used to populate e-journals on the EDS platform for researchers to find, read, and follow their favorite scholarly journals.
Effortless journal browsing and reading
- Intuitive presentation of your subscribed titles organized with a powerful taxonomy
- One-click access to content meets users expectation
- Access on the web and with dedicated iOS and Android applications

Personalized for your users
- With My Bookself, users may easily follow titles of interest and be notified when new articles are published
- My articles enables offline reading of saved articles
- Integration with EndNote